Window Sheers and Drapery
Long flowing sheers create an elegant traditional look. They permit filtered light into any room and an opaque view of the world outside. But because of their tendency to catch and snag, sheers are typically left closed.
Motorized sheers eliminate that issue. Each connection point is independent of the other, permitting them to “fold” in an accordion fashion. Most motorized sheers operate from within a recessed tracking system and are fully functional at the touch of a button.

Benefits & Options
No Bunching or Sagging
Tubular Motor stops if foreign object is detected
Housing is recessed and nearly undetectable
No Sizing Restrictions – Large OR Small
No Rods to Damage Walls
Flush-Mounting for a Refined Look
No Unsightly Rod Pocket at Top
Spacers ensure even Distribution – Open or Closed
Operate at the Touch of a Button
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Motorized Sheers – Simply Elegant!
The traditional look of full-paneled sheers is a time-honored one, filled with nostalgia. These delicate draperies have been around for centuries in a wide array of fabrics ranging from rayons to lace. However, sheers tend to deteriorate quickly when opened and closed. Traditional rods catch on fragile fabrics, causing runs and unraveling issues; destroying their sleek, smooth look.
Those of us who love sheers have tried everything from grommets to café clips to increase their functionality. We purchased oversized panels and gathered them along rods to attempt a proportional distribution of fabric. It doesn’t seem to matter whether we choose lace sheers or beautiful organza, when sheers are opened and closed, they never lay quite right.
Motorization resolves these issues – and many more!

The Perfect Match – Tubular Motors and Sheers
Tubular Motors are the backbone of motorization. Manufactured in a wide variety of sizes, they can also be custom-made to accommodate specialty configurations. More importantly, tubular motors are responsive to interruption. If a foreign object lays in the track and causes hesitation, the tubular motor will stop. This sensitivity is especially important when animating sheers.
Concealed Tracking Channels mount perfectly along with any window configuration. The result is not only aesthetically pleasing, but ensures the proper weight disbursement whether drapes are open, closed, or moving.
Weighted Spacers expand and contract to evenly distribute the sheers at any position. Spacers create a wonderfully symmetrical disbursement of fabric.
Automated Sheers – Trouble-Free Refinement
Motorized sheers can be coupled with tiered or draped embellishments without undermining their functionality. Furthermore, this option is available without attaching an array of double and triple rods. Motorized sheer operation is the most notable improvement in sheer window treatments for decades!
Unlimited Dimensions & Colors!
In the past, our personal expression of style was limited by our ability to attain sufficiently large, (or small), panels to express our vision. Not so, today.
Motorization enables us to create interior masterpieces – whether diffusing light on walls thirty feet high, or on side panels inches wide. In addition, fabric color options include every hue imaginable. Finally, the means for attaining the complimentary adornment we dreamed about, in a subtle and effective manner.

Women always knew – Functional Sheers can Manage Lighting & Airflow
Motorized sheers are a welcome technology. For the first time since their creation, we can enjoy sheers that not only adorn our homes but control light and airflow. We will be seeing a lot more of sheers now that they have this functionality. They will enhance our window walls, patio entrances, and intimate dining areas. We are only beginning to explore the possibilities this new technology affords homeowners. The amazing coupling of sheers with embellishments such as Roman Blinds and Draped Esconsements makes this one of the most exciting window treatment developments of our time.